sábado, febrero 22, 2014

Sin confundir

Dos de los conceptos de la palabra y verbo  confundir.  (Del lat. confundĕre). 2. tr. Perturbar, desordenar las cosas o los ánimos. 6. tr. Turbar a alguien de manera que no acierte a explicarse.
Y con este montaje de imagenes que tome desde mi pagina Facebook,  el momento para decirles que estoy orando por mi pais Venezuela, es un clamor de parte de todos los hijos de Dios quienes entendemos que de acuerdo a su Palabra...

 Los sacrificios de Dios son el espíritu quebrantado; 
 Al corazón contrito y humillado no despreciarás tú, oh Dios.
Clama a mí, y yo te responderé, y te enseñaré
 cosas grandes y ocultas que tú no conoces. 

Mas que confundida, turbada y dolida con esta situacion tan lamentable que estamos viviendo, en mi bello pais,  solo confio en Dios, el es Rey de Reyes, Señor de Señores, el pondra su Orden Divino y su Justicia.  Gracias por sus oraciones amiblogs Dios se lo paga con bien!

miércoles, febrero 12, 2014

Carrera de vida

currículum vítae.  (Loc. lat.; literalmente, 'carrera de la vida'). 1. m. Relación de los títulos, honores, cargos, trabajos realizados, datos biográficos, etc., que califican a una persona.

Danny Perez is a musician, filmographer and career photographer who is passionate about capturing the vibrant colors of life. Born in El Tigre, Venezuela in the 1970′s, his father was a chemical engineer by day and an abstract painter in his free time; his mother, an accountant who also had a flair for illustrations.
After the break up of Supper en Orange, his well-known South Florida band, Perez attended film school at Full Sail University. “My inspirations as a filmmaker were Kubrick, Paul Thomas Anderson, Danny Boyle, and Quentin Tarantino.”
Perez worked for Quentin Tarantino’s production company for 6 years, then went on to work for the Dylan family for 3 years, where he gained priceless experience as a photographer.
http://playamaqui.bandcamp.com/album/70-percentHis first camera was a Nikon f4 with a 50mm lens and a few years later, Perez bought his first and only macro lens. “I discovered this amazing dimension in nature that so few have ever captured and is rarely explored.” Macro lenses allow him to get close to the action and “allowed me to discover a complex world of fascinating creatures and the incredible colors of their natural habitat.” It would only be a matter of time before Perez encountered the hummingbird and it was love at first sight. “Hummingbirds are magical – with their incredible speed, size, colors and aerodynamically impossible behavior, which is unlike any other creature in the world.”
Someday Perez aspires to live closer to nature, but “for the moment, I am only taking souvenirs of the wonderful world we inhabit and loving every minute of it.”
Danny Perez is a musician, filmographer and career photographer...
Danny G. Perez is the ingenious composer behind the musical entity called Danny Playamaqui...
Danny G. Perez is the ingenious composer behind the musical entity called Danny Playamaqui. Playamaqui is absolutely unapologetic in his art and searches relentlessly for new textures and colors. He is often obsessed with simulating moods that reflect a state of mind and the world we occupy. Danny G. Perez is fully aware of the power and psychological effects certain sounds can impose on people, and is able to exploit it in very interesting ways in order to get to the essence of human emotions.
Playamaqui’s ability to shape-shift is just one of the many complicated natural talents this artist is endowed with. His music is often autobiographical; most of his songs are able to conjure very precise moments and feelings of a particular period of his life. Modern living is an endless source of inspiration for Playamaqui. Passing car sounds, buzzing bees and even mindless chattering are potential music to Playamaqui who later regurgitates it in his studio, concocts and finally assembles it in the most peculiar ways.
Danny’s love affair with music and life is complicated, profound and runs consistently throughout his music by employing themes that deal with relationships, love, urban city life, rejection, happiness, paranoia and the mundane.
En la barra lateral de Mistusnos, para la traduccion...http://translate.google.es/
Salmo 127:3 
He aquí, herencia de Jehová son los hijos;  Cosa de estima el fruto del vientre.
Esta Entrada dedicada a mi hijo Danny que estara de cumpleaños este 14 de Febrero, dia del Amor y la Amistad.  Los textos que he copiado y pegado son extraidos de sus Paginas Web! Agradezco a Dios primero por darme esta bendicion, como madre siempre lo vere como un niño, igual que mi Padre Eterno, somos sus niños amados! El amor de Dios es incondicional!

lunes, febrero 03, 2014

Entrega Premio Meme

Las reglas del premio LIEBSTER AWARD son:

  • Nominar 11 Blogs con menos de 200 seguidores,

  • Avisar a los 11 Blogs nominados
  • Realizar 11 nuevas preguntas a los nominados,  
La Nominacion de mis 11 Amiblogs:  No son escogidos por cantidad de seguidores, son los blog que han Posteado hace una o mas semanas y al azar de mis  BlogListas I y II 

Las nuevas 11 Preguntas realizadas para los  Nominados:  Algunas preguntas son iguales a las que me hizo Amilois, excepto la 4, 5, 6 y 7.  

1.   Cual es la última película que has visto y has disfrutado? 
2.   Tu libro preferido?
3.   Si yo pisara tu ciudad, cual sería el lugar recomendado 
      que no podría olvidarme  de visitar?
4.   Te sientes realizada(o) al dia de hoy?
5.   Tu musica preferida?
6.   Cuando te has sentido sola(o) estas feliz o triste?
7.   A quien amas mas y que rechazas mas?
8.   Que te gustaría conseguir este año?
9.   Me cuentas un chiste?
10. Como sería un día ideal para ti?
11. Una receta de cocina?

Tarea concluida! Dios les bendiga hasta pronto!