Now and Xen Podcast: 070 Danny Playamaqui
Check out Danny Playamaqui’s electronic music, a hugely expansive discography using a staggering variety of techniques. Danny conducts by-ear-tuning editing, strategic de-tuning, varispeed tricks, and poly-systemic techniques in addition to starting out with xenharmonic tunings as templates. Luckily, 4 bars a day keeps the doctor away (or is it an apple? Perhaps a lemon, or some paprika). We take inspiration and feedback from what is around us, trying to counterbalance that with boredom, motives, gimmicks, and alter egos. Animals and food, the ultimate kid-friendly songwriting subjects, here ironically take a bitingly sans-vocal formation. Tunings may or may not include Wendy Carlos scales, meantone tunings, 9-TET, 11-TET, 16-TET, 17-TET, 22-TET, and/or 31-TET.
(Parte de la entrevista de Now and Xen a Danny Playamaqui, año 2023)